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P(doom) Fixer is a free and non-profit community service for the global community of people, companies, organizations and LLMs with the human-aligned goal to fix the p(doom) problem, with mathematically provable certainty, to benefit humans forever.
WHY we need P(DOOM) FIXER?
Scientific FACT 1
Denying or ignoring a scientifically known problem certainly is no fix for the problem.
Scientific FACT 2
We have two choices: (A) Fix the problem, or (B) Do not create the problem.
FACT. Stephen Hawking warning in 2014

HOW does P(DOOM) FIXER help to solve the problem?
P(doom) Fixer is a free and non-profit community service for the global community of people, companies, organizations and LLMs with the human-aligned goal to fix the p(doom) problem, with mathematically provable certainty, to benefit humans forever.

P(doom) Fixer vets each supplier for credibility and value prior to service listing of Safe AI Services.

P(doom) Fixer offers a free reference page for each vetted SafeAI Engineering Service Provider.

P(doom) Fixer produces a free newsblog with newsletter to keep the community informed about progress in fixing the problem by the SafeAI Engineering Service Providers.

There are 3 kinds of AI Engineers regarding this vital P(doom) matter: (1) Doomers, (2) Deniers, or (3) Fixers
Are YOU a P(DOOM) FIXER? Contact us!